Mijin Gakure

From FFXI Wiki
Job Ability Information
Job Ninja
Type SP Ability
Description Sacrifices your own life to deal damage to the enemy.
Range 17.6'
Recast 01:00:00
Cumulative Enmity N/A Volatile Enmity N/A
Command /ja "Mijin Gakure" <stnpc> 
Job Points
Category Mijin Gakure Effect Ranks Available 20
Effect of each Rank Increase damage by 3%.


  • This job ability results in the death of the player.
    • There is no EXP loss in a death resulting from use of Mijin Gakure.
    • The raised player will not experience Weakness
    • Often used as a free Warp and to remove unwanted food.
  • Damage dealt by this job ability is directly proportional to the player's current HP and can be resisted with enough Magic evasion.
  • When used against the player by enemies above level 99, has a hard cap of 4,000 damage.
    • This version of the ability can Magic Burst off any Skillchain, causing it to do in excess of 99,999 damage.
    • Unclear if this applies to enemies of level 99 and below.


Equipment Modifying Ability...
Equipment Piece Modifier
Reacton Arm Allegedly increases damage.
Nagi Provides Reraise that allows you to get up with 100% HP.
Koga Hakama +2 Augment-Icon.png: Mijin Gakure damage +50%.
Mochizuki Hakama Augment-Icon.png: Mijin Gakure damage +50%.
Mochizuki Hakama +1 Augment-Icon.png: Mijin Gakure damage +50%.
Mochizuki Hakama +2 Augment-Icon.png: Mijin Gakure damage +50%.
Mochizuki Hakama +3 Augment-Icon.png: Mijin Gakure damage +50%.
